Thursday, September 21, 2017

Parent Workshop October 10th at MBS

Parent Workshop - The EL Program in CSD 

What: A Parent Workshop

Who: Parents or Guardians of English Learners (ELs) in Colchester

When: Tuesday, October 10th at 5:30

Where: Malletts Bay School, 609 Blakely Road

Why: To get your questions answered! We can tell you about what services are offered and explain how students are exited from the program. If you have any questions that you know ahead of time please email so we can make sure we address them!

There will be pizza and babysitters, so bring the kids and come join us for an hour of learning about your child's EL program.  Please return the yellow slip with your information or text/call Mrs. H. to let her know you're coming.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Students in the Colchester School District Can Say “Hello” in 30 Languages!

Did you know that students in the Colchester School District can say “Hello” in  30 languages?

Check out the bulletin board that Ms. Merrell made showing all the different languages students in our district speak.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Reader's Theater Part 2

As part of our final day of summer camp celebration we performed our second Reader's Theater Plays.  Camp was so much fun we hope to see you all again next year!

Rough Faced Girl (A Cinderella Story)

One Raining Pouring Morning

How Davy Crockett Moved the Sun

Three Blind Mice

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Reader's Theater

At EL Summer Camp we work on our reading fluency by practicing and performing Reader's Theater plays with our classmates.  Here are our first four plays, we hope you enjoy watching them as much as we enjoyed performing them!
1. Where Has My Little Dog Gone?

2. Pet Care Kids

3. The Tortoise and the Hare

4. Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Summer Camp

EL Summer Camp is in full swing and we are having a blast!  Kids are making new friends, reading great books, getting faster at math facts, working on reading fluently and learning new challenging vocabulary.  On Wednesday we will be doing 4 Reader's Theater performances to show off our fluency.  The four plays are : The Tortoise and The Hare, Where Has My Little Dog Gone?, Five Jumping Monkeys and Pet Care Kids.
We are looking forward to two more fun weeks!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Sugar on Snow Trip by Sona Iyengar

Eating sugar on snow.

Last weekend, ELL Newcomer students, families and teachers visited a maple sugarhouse in Shelburne. 

The group learned how maple syrup is made and got a taste of some yummy sugar-on-snow! Staff at Palmer's Sugarhouse told us how they tap trees and collect the sap which is then boiled to make syrup. We learned that it takes 40 gallons of sap to make one gallon of maple syrup! 

It was a great experience for students who are new to Vermont and the U.S., and a fun learning activity on a beautiful spring day. 

Learning how to tell when the sap has turned into maple syrup.

Watching the sap boil.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Translation of all CSD Websites

Now you can read any Colchester School District websites in your native language! It's simple and easy to use the translation button found on the school websites.  You can read school information, upcoming events and find resources all in your native language! I hope you find this helpful.

Step 1: Go to the school website.  Look for the flags.  Place your mouse on the flags and a list of languages will pop up.  Select the language you wish to have the page translated into. 

Step 2: If you selected the wrong language, go to the menu in the top left corner and change to the correct language. 

Step 3: Explore the school website or teacher blogs in the language of your choice!

I have also added Google Translate to my blog as well.  It is located on the right hand side of the page as a drop down menu.  Simply select your preferred language and you can read the latest information from the elementary school EL teachers.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

RESCHEDULED!! Parent Workshop: Homework

Homework is one of the topics most often brought up by parents during conferences.  So I thought it would be helpful to really explore what we mean when we say the kids have homework here in the Colchester School District.  Come join us for an open conversation about homework and what you can do to make it less stressful for you and your kids!

We will answer questions like these: Why is it important? How much time should my child spend on homework a night? How can I help?

Families will leave with some ideas of how to help their children be successful at homework as well as some tools (whiteboards and timers) that can help create a homework space at home!

Come Wednesday March 15th from 2:15-3:00 at Union Memorial School (UMS)
Thursday March 16th from 5:30-6:30 at Malletts Bay School (MBS) pizza and childcare available

Please RSVP  by calling, texting or emailing! Can't wait to see everyone there!